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Menu for Dinner Honoring Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau

This menu was created for a dinner hosted by President Richard M. Nixon in honor of Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau of Canada on December 6, 1971. Guests dined on "suprême of royale squab Smitane," a pigeon dish topped with a sauce made from dry white wine, onions, and sour cream; "paupiette of sole White House," a fish appetizer made from thinly sliced strips of sole, stuffed with a filling; and crêpes Suzette, a dessert crêpe topped with a fruity, sugary sauce that is briefly infused with alcohol for a flaming table-side effect. The dinner was filmed by the National Broadcasting Company as part of their "December 6 1971: A Day in the Presidency" hour-long television special, which documented a typical working day for President Nixon. This menu is part of a personal collection belonging to former White House Executive Chef Henry Haller. Haller served as executive chef from 1966-1987.
White House Calligraphy Office
Date of Work
December 6, 1971
Courtesy of Henry & Carole Haller and Family